Thursday, 4 February 2010

Moving on...Lake Baringo

Amazing morning riding round lake Naivasha. Giraffe, zebra, wild boar, flamingos. Lunch Left the fishermans camp after a fab luncch and took a wild desolate heart of kenya ride to lake Baringo 100 miles from Ugandan border. Got here late so will explore tomorrow. Crossed the equator today!!!! Very tranquil with the most dazzling array of bird song. It is absolutely true that Afrca Wood Pigeon coo to a distinctly syncopated african rhythm. So much more funky than th british wood pigeon!


  1. Fantastic descriptions of your trip! Thankyou for feeding my imagination. Love and God's many blessings on you both, Love Sue (F)

  2. It sounds all too familiar. I forgot to tell you, Hippos are v territorial, particularly if you pitch tent on their patch of grass. Your doing well. I can smell the air from here. Safe trip ahead. LOL Ant and Anne
